In the night holding my knees together
Trying to dab away at the tears
It was only natural for me to yearn
It was only natural for me to seek

As the wound seems to twist
It is a justice
As it is natural
The world laughs
Ahead of relieved of the outline that
I want to be touched by both of your hands
I am still standing here
I exist only in your mind
There are many things that I substitute
The world turns as usual
It is understood that it is natural
It has been noticed that it is natural

A small fire seems to shake and then to disappear
The red afterimage
Seems to burn into the retina
Ahead of that coming of the limit
I want you to copy me onto both of your eyes
I am still here
I exist only in your mind
I saw you had a smile which seemed to be crying
My smile collapses, too and in the aspect
Only you were and it was rewarding
Only you were and it was saved

Ahead of that disappearing of the world
Please give yourself "specially" to me
Natural has not been needed any longer
I exist only in your mind